The Great Cloister of Canterbury Cathedral as in 1500
The bays commence with Bay 1 outside the door of the Martyrdom and run sequentially to Bay 36. The images of the four walks provide an overview. Each individual bay is also shown separately in higher definition, accompanied by a key to identify each shield. Many of these attributions are the result of new research, and are different from those previously published, Not a few shields have been lost since 1500, while others have been incorrectly painted. For the detailed reasoning behind each attribution you will need to refer to my book, Great Cloister: a lost Canterbury Tale. I have prepared talks on two thirds of the cloister (all except Bays 16-25 and 34, which can be accessed from this site through the individual pages on each bay.
South Walk Bay 1 to 10
Click on GO to navigate to the page for that bay.

West Walk Bays 10 to19

North Walk Bays 19 to 28

East Walk Bays 28 to 36 and 1